Posts Tagged ‘cherubim angels’

Let’s conclude our study of angels.  We have read that angels are ministering spirits sent to those who inherit
salvation, the believers.

One way that angels serve believers is to audibly deliver a message from God.  Another way that angels serve
believers is to protect them from harm.  Believers that continually listen to God will hear his warnings from the
Holy Spirit and from God’s angels.

Also, angels are used to bring God’s judgement and destruction on individuals and on large groups of people.

When angels appear to believers, they most often appear as real people.  Hebrews 13:2  “Do not forget to enter-
tain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”

There are four basic types of angels.  1)  Seraphim angels.  These are the angels that continually praise God.
2)  Cherubim angels.  These are the angels that protect the things of God.  3)  Archangels.  These are
“Chief of the angels.”  They direct the regular angels.  4)  Regular angels.  These are the angels that are sent as
messengers to believers.

Satan (Lucifer) is most likely an archangel.  Satan is on the same level as the archangel Michael.  When
Satan turned against God, he took one third of the regular angels with him.

Thank you so much for studying.  God bless.


This week let’s read about the second type of angels.

The second type of angels are the cherubim Angels.  Many Christians believe these are the second highest rank-
ing angels.  These angels are described as angels that guard the things of God.

Genesis 3:24  After he drove the man (Adam) out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim
and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way of the tree of life.

Hebrews 9:5  Above the ark where the cherubim of the glory, overshadowing the atonement cover (Arch of the
Covenant cover).

Next week, the third type of angel.

Thank you so much for studying.  God bless.


Welcome.  Last week we read that angels sometimes appear as real people.  Now let’s read how angels are de-
scribed in the heavenly realm.

Isaiah 6:1-2  I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Above him stood the seraphim (high ranking angel),  each one had six wings:  with two wings they
covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.

The seraphim Angels covered their faces because God is completely holy.  They could not look upon him.  They
covered their feet because they were on holy ground; in God’s presence.  This is similar to Exodus 3:5 and
Joshua 5:15 when Moses and Joshua were standing on holy ground and were told to remove their sandals.  This
is a sign of respect.

Here is another scripture describing angels with wings.

Exodus 25:20  The cherubim (also high ranking angels) are to have their wings spread upward, over-
shadowing the cover with them.

This scripture describes two angels statues attached to the cover of the Arc of the Covenant (contained the
10 commandments).

Although the above two scriptures describe the angels in heaven as having wings, I’m not sure they really do.  The
bible is full of symbolism.  In the same way that God doesn’t really sit on a thrown (he is an omnipresent spiritual
being), I don’t think that angels really fly with wings.  Angels are spiritual beings that are not omnipresent.
As we read in Angels 5, angels can take many forms.  Angels appeared as fire, they appeared as
humans, they appeared as beings of light.  Angels can travel from one dimension to another
(earthly and heavenly).

Angel wings might be symbolic of their great covering or protection with wings open wide?  Also, their wings might
be symbolic of their great comfort as to wrap you in their wings?

Next week we will read about the hierarchy of angels.

Thank you so much for studying.  God bless.



While still in the Sinai Desert, God told Moses and the Israelites to build a tabernacle.

The tabernacle consisted of a courtyard with a large bronze altar.  This is where an animal without blemish
was sacrificed to make atonement for the sins of the Israelites.  The animal was symbolic of purity.  The animal
symbolically took the death that was due sinful man.  It demonstrated a persons believe in God.

For more details on the sacrifice ritual, see “Point of Salvation,” pages 5-6 in the category column to the left.

Next was the bronze basin.  This was where Moses, Aaron and the High Priests washed their hands and feet.
This was symbolic of being clean and pure before entering the Tent of Meeting.

In the Tent of Meeting, the first room was called the Holy Place.  This room contained a golden table for the
bread of presence (12 loaves represent the original 12 tribes of Israel), golden lamp stand and the
altar of incense.

For more details on the Holy Place, see “Point of Salvation,” page 8 in the category column to the left.

Through a curtain was the Most Holy Place.  This room contained the Arc of the Covenant.  This arc was a
rectangular shaped box made of acacia wood.  The Arc contained the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments,
Aaron’s Rod and a Pot of Mana.  On top of the Arc were two Cherubim (angel) statues that faced each other.
God’s Spirit dwelt between the two Cherubim statues.  When Moses, Aaron or the High Priests entered this
room, they were entering the very presence of God.  This is where God spoke to them.

Also, once a year, blood from the animal sin offering was sprinkled over the Arc of the Covenant.  As I
mentioned in paragraph two, this was to make atonement for the death that was due sinful man.

Next week, Moses and the Israelites leave the desert and head for the promised land.

Thank you so much for reading.  God bless.
